Profile Analysis of Work Accidents In A Metallurgical Industry Of The Zona Da Mata Mineira

  IJETT-book-cover  International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT)          
© 2019 by IJETT Journal
Volume-67 Issue-11
Year of Publication : 2019
Authors : Carlos José Perciliano, Zarur de Oliveira Silvano
DOI :  10.14445/22315381/IJETT-V67I11P219


MLA Style: Carlos José Perciliano, Zarur de Oliveira Silvano  "Profile Analysis of Work Accidents In A Metallurgical Industry Of The Zona Da Mata Mineira" International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology 67.11 (2019):124-127.

APA Style:Carlos José Perciliano, Zarur de Oliveira Silvano. Profile Analysis of Work Accidents In A Metallurgical Industry Of The Zona Da Mata Mineira  International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, 67(11),124-127.

In 2018 Brazil presented the number of 623.8 thousand accidents at work and Minas Gerais state is the second in number of work accidents with 64,888. Accidents at work cause negative impacts on industries as they reduce productivity due to the need to replace the employee. interruptions of production processes among other consequences that companies and workers may suffer due to the occurrence of occupational accidents. The general objective of this article is to analyse work accidents by the quantitative aspect that occurred in a company in the metallurgical sector. looking for which accidents happen most often crossing body part data affected and the sector where occurred. The specific objectives of this paper are to collect data on accidents through the Accident Reporting (CAT) and to form a history of occupational accidents. The work is justified because of quantitative and categorical data to analyse the characteristics of accidents occurred in the company. using tools that allow us to visualize which accidents occur the most. Because the company under study is adopting a position that seeks zero accidents. Company data can also be used in formulating occupational safety indicators. To develop the work, a literature review, data collection in the company object of study and structuring for analysis were performed. Minitab 18.1 software was used to produce Pareto Graphics. The result obtained with this work was the survey of the frequency and occurrence of occupational accidents as part of the body was hit. Brazilian Classification of Occupations (CBO) and sector of occurrence. Through the analysis of these data it was obtained that accidents with body part hit finger, occur in lathes with conventional machine tool operators. From the history it was observed that the most serious accident had as part of the body hit the finger of the employee, resulting in amputation and causing 60 days of leave.


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data analysis, occupational safety, occupational accidents.