Characterization of Proposed Iterative Hyperbolic Localization Solution using Statistical Studies

Characterization of Proposed Iterative Hyperbolic Localization Solution using Statistical Studies

© 2022 by IJETT Journal
Volume-70 Issue-6
Year of Publication : 2022
Authors : Eswara Chaitanya Duvvuri, Vinod Kumar Minchula, Suresh Kumar Pittala, Sasibhushana Rao Gottapu
DOI : 10.14445/22315381/IJETT-V70I6P223

How to Cite?

Eswara Chaitanya Duvvuri, Vinod Kumar Minchula, Suresh Kumar Pittala, Sasibhushana Rao Gottapu, "Characterization of Proposed Iterative Hyperbolic Localization Solution using Statistical Studies," International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, vol. 70, no. 6, pp. 209-220, 2022. Crossref,

Localizing a radiating source is a rapidly growing research area with diverse applications in fields ranging from defence and industrial automation to agriculture. Apart from being used in areas not accessible to G.P.S., this system can be deployed to attend to distress signals. This paper proposes an iterative hyperbolic localization solution, and error analysis is carried out. The error scatters plot comparing errors in estimated x, y, and z locations are generated to conduct an error analysis of the chosen algorithm. Source locations are simulated near and far from a chosen square sensor geometry, and a novel characterization of the algorithm is proposed using statistical accuracy measures like Circular Error Probability (C.E.P.), 2DRMS, and Spherical Error Probable (S.E.P.). The figure of merit used here is the ratio of C.E.P. to the source distance, and from the result analysis, it can be inferred that the proposed algorithm performs well irrespective of the source distance.

Hyperbolic, T.D.O.A., Localization, C.E.P., G.D.O.P.

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